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I´m still starving... Oh! I'm sorry I didn´t know you were here.

Hi! My name is Uub, from Cebu (The Filipines). It's a pity you found me being hungry because I usually have so much energy... Actually, let me think, I am lucky! you are here!! Have you got food? Naa it doesn´t matter. Maybe you can help me to resolve a question.

From time the inhabitants of Cebu have believed that we have magic cows; my grandparents told me that, when you take milk from the animal everything seems to be normal: no special white milk. But something magical happens when you are really hungry. My grandmother said that if you are starving and you boiled milk, suddenly in few minutes you have a lot more than the beggining, isn´t it awesome!?
Of course I'm not silly... I thought it was a trick firstly so I tried by myself when I was hungry, but guess what!? It works eventually!! They are so witty, and we are so lucky to have these cows here because there is not much food here and we need to eat as much as we can and if we can get milk for two when we only have for one it's a miracle!

Anyway, my question for you is: Could you help me to know why this milk is so magical? Because if I know it I can do the same with the rest of the things and we will never be poor anymore.


This is what you need to do: You must use the app "POPPLET" to make your explanation clear, and with the app "SCREEN O MATIC" you have to record your explanations detailing every step and the conclusion. Finally, your video will must be uploaded on "YOUTUBE" and posted in your "KIDBLOG".


Question 1

If we boil three different liquids, are all of them going to grow?


For this experiment we need: 3 test tubes, a burner, a table to put everything on it, and 100ml of 3 liquids: Water, Milk and Oil.

Firstly we introduce the liquids in the test tubes. When It is done, we put the burner under the test tubes until we get 100 degrees.

After 1 minute, we can see how the amount of liquid has risen in all of them.


Having the question of the volume, we tried if what the kid says is always true with the milk, no matter where you are. Seeing that it was true, the liquid rose, we applied fire then in other liquid as water and oil in order to know if no matter the liquid, all of them rise in any case; and they do.